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European Society of Endocrinology
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Tel: +44 (0)1454 642247

Registered Charity No. 1123492
VAT ID no: GB 971 8494 73
Technically and creatively responsible:
Lohmann & Birkner Health Care Consulting GmbH
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
13407 Berlin, Germany

Tel.: +49 (30) 40 99 85 100
Fax: +49 (30) 40 99 85 109

Authorised Director
Dr. med. Rüdiger Lohmann

Register court
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Register number
HRB No. 81867 B
Tax number
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Nothing written on or referenced by this site should be construed as offering medical advice.
This site contains scientific and educational information on endocrinology including endocrine disorders. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the factual accuracy of the contents, no liability can be accepted for any use of the information in the site and/or links from it.

The Society gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the material;
No reliance should be made by any user of the material, but instead, the user should check for confirmation with the Society; and The Society reserves the right to make changes at any time, as it deems appropriate
The Society provides external links as a service to users of the website. In providing an external link the Society does not accept responsibility for or endorse the content or condition of any linked site.
If you suffer from, or think you suffer from, an endocrine condition you should seek qualified medical advice. General information of help to patients is available from patient support groups.

The copyright of materials on this site and of this website as a whole is owned by the Society.
You may view this website and its contents using your browser and save an electronic copy, or print out a copy, or parts of this website solely for your own information, research or study, but only if you a) do not modify the copy from how it appears in the web site and b) include the copyright notice “The European Society of Endocrinology” on a copy. You must not otherwise use the content in the whole or any part of this website for any other purpose except as expressly permitted by statute or with the Society’s prior consent.